Practitioner Videos
For students past and present, and for colleagues and care providers who may be interested in how I work, I’ve put together a few mid-length videos that include some of my favorite techniques for working with fascia and myofascial trigger points to alleviate pain.
The principles I have employed in my practice since 2005, through programs and studies featured at the first Fascia Research Congress and also offered through the Fascia Research Society include 1) working more slowly than for traditional Swedish or relaxation massage, 2) working more tangentially to tissues being addressed utilizing ‘skin stretch’, and 3) also recruiting the assistance of the person on the table (when it makes sense to do so) to do some participatory movement (called AMPs ‘Active Movement Participations’) for certain applications.
For all videos and content scroll down!
Fascia Intro Class Concepts:
Jess Kern Fascia Study Group: A friendly introduction with gentle movements to get to know your fascia in motion, especially if it’s new to you!
Fascia Study Group:
This hour-long study group is a great introduction to the basics of what we now know about Fascia! (Fascia is a net of Connective tissue in the body that has upwards of 10 times the number of nerve endings as its muscular counterpart according to the literature shared by Dr. Robert Schleipp and others at the Fascia Research Society.)
Anconeus Active:
Great for exploring hand, wrist, forearm, and even shoulder pain - this tiny muscle in the elbow can have major positive impacts when freed up
Anconeus Passive:
If you’re exploring this muscle, especially for the first time, start here - passive before active is often the best - and friendliest strategy for clients, especially if you’re working with muscles like this one that may never have been worked before
4-Fascia System demo:
This is the heart and soul of my strategy when I work with folks check it out and if you’re a practitioner, experiment and see if it positively impacts results - both near term and long term - for your client outcomes.
Quadratus Lumborum Active:
Great for alleviating back and hip pain
Thoracolumbar Active Exercise #1:
Great general technique to include for anyone coming in with stress and tension. As with everything, if this is a new technique for you, please work first with folks who are basically pain-free to get the mechanics down. These are sample offerings with a lot of nuances - if any questions, please reach out and I’m happy to offer feedback!
Thoracolumbar Active Exercise #2:
An adaptation on the first, is best to do in numerical order.
Trapezius Passive:
A classic strategy with a bit of detail
Triceps Passive:
Not to be missed! This is a great technique for supporting shoulder health that may be missed in classic strategies for shoulder and rotator cuff health
A brief (with English subtitles!) documentary on the Study of Fascia: Watch the German 10-minute film on Fascia here
For the physical therapists in the room
Are you looking for more ways to get the most out of your 30-minute sessions? Frustrated by patients who aren’t doing their homework and don’t seem to be improving? I can help! Hit the learn more button to see how integrating movement re-education can help your patients achieve better outcomes and how you can get the most out of each session.
Send your email here.
(617) 962-3528

For the doctors and practice managers in the room
Not ready to operate? Tired of writing the same prescriptions? Are your patients complaining about their physical therapy experiences? Are you seeing the same post-injury patients over and over about their chronic issues? Stuck wondering if physical therapy is the appropriate referral to make? Hit the learn more link to see how neuro-muscular therapy, working with fascia and Active Movement Participation can support your patients' success.
Send your email here.
(617) 962-3528